Saturday, November 25, 2017

Membre (s)
Prix réduit:
Chaussée de Wavre, 366

L’Effacée / The Shady Lady


A film by Guy Bordin & Renaud De Putter



Colour, VO French, English subtitles, duration 80’, Belgium, 2017




1910. Charlotte Dufrène, a former demimondaine secluded in elegant society close to Paris, has to accept a strange proposal: to become the pretend companion of Raymond Roussel, an eccentric writer and secret homosexual. She would spend twenty-three years by his side, accompanying him right to the end of a hallucinated quest. From Brussels, where she then retreats, she recalls the day preceding this decisive meeting and the flamboyant celebration that was then given in her honour. Letters sent by Charlotte Dufrène between 1933 and 1964 support this narrative.


Direction: Guy Bordin & Renaud De Putter

Screenplay: Guy Bordin & Renaud De Putter

Photography: Antoine Meert

Sound: Loïc Villiot & Iannis Heaulme

Film editing: Cédric Zoenen

Colouring: Franck Ravel

Sound editing: Mélodie Wegnez

Mixing: Aurélien Lebourg

Music: Renaud De Putter, Marius-François Gaillard, Reynaldo Hahn, Lea Petra, Camille Saint-Saëns


Voices: Jean Fürst, Aurore Latour


Cast: Rachid Benbouchta, Louis Combeaud, Christian Crahay, Romain Dayez, Alexa Doctorow, Jean Fürst, Aurore Latour, Lea Petra, Jérémie Siska


Screening format: DCP, H 264, bluray


Production: Hélicotronc (Anthony Rey)

Coproduction: Kolinette filmindustri

Coproduction: Shelter Prod


With the support of:

Centre du Cinéma et de l’Audiovisuel de la Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles (Belgium),, ING, and the Tax Shelter of the Belgian Federal Government.






Membre (s)
6.00 €
Prix réduit:
Chaussée de Wavre, 366